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Broncos 29, Browns 12

Murphy's Law (noun): Whenever something can go wrong, it will go wrong. That summed up how today went in Denver for the Browns, as the...

#3 Michigan 30, #2 Ohio State 24

"Hello darkness, my old friend. I've come to talk with you again..." I don't know how to take this. All I saw was one team that wanted it...

Browns 13, Steelers 10

There comes a time in every Browns fan's life, when we are forced to accept one of the laws of the universe: This team isn't supposed to...

#2 Ohio State 37, Minnesota 3

Well, that was certainly a great way to win the final home game of the year, wasn't it? Wow! The Buckeyes looked like they were firing on...

Deshaun Watson out for season

You know that old saying that if something is too good to be true, that it probably is? It sure feels like that's the case right now. A...
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